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Project Summary

The lighting design uses a variety of light sources to create a dynamic and inviting atmosphere. Ambient lighting is used to provide a soft, even light throughout the workspace. Task lighting is used to provide focused light for specific tasks, such as reading or using a computer. The following were taken into consideration; A] Maintaining Circadian rhythm To maintain light color temperature Tunability Effective light intensity – Dimability Balance consistency and variance- Slow transition through Light zones Cyclic human assignment – Light zones Spatial Objectives B] To enhance perception Better visibility - 19 (providing dual diffuser to the luminaire) Relative contrast – Zoning Segregation of areas Visual capacity – Task light separation Ecological Objectives C] Efficient lighting operation Day light harvesting (Day light zoning) Optimize lighting (providing desking via presence detector system) Various lighting levels– Diming in light zones


Human Centric Lighting

Project Year

